The cutting operation of a glass cutting machine with a rearview mirror is different that of a general glass cutting machine. Because the laser power density has a great influence on the cutting speed, the choice of lens focal length is an important issue. The spot size after laser focusing is proportional to the lens short beam focal length of the lens. The spot size after focusing is small, the focus of the power density is very high, the cutting material is very good, but its disadvantage is that the short depth of field adjustment margin is very small, generally suitable for Cutting thin materials at high speed. Because the long focal length lens has a wider depth of focus, as long as there is sufficient power density, it is suitable for cutting thick workpieces.
When determining the focal length relative position of the long lens after coke, it is particularly important to ensure the cutting quality of the workpiece surface. Due to the high power density in the focal point, in most cases, the focal point position is only at slightly below the surface of the cutting workpiece. Therefore, in the entire cutting process, to ensure that the focus position of the workpiece is relatively constant is an important condition to ensure the stability of the cutting quality. Sometimes the lens works, because the cold heat are good, causing the focal length to change, which requires us to adjust the focal length in time.
The good cutting speed of therearview mirror glass cuttercan get a good cutting effect. In most applications, the beam focus should be adjusted under the nozzle, the space between themirrortip of therearview mirrorthe surface of the workpiece is generally about 1.8mm.
Add:Add:2F,B Building,jingang Technology Park, Fuyong Street Bridge ommunity,Bao’an District, Shenzhen, China.
Add:Huifeng seven Road No. 2, Zhong Kai Hi-tech Zone, Huizhou City.